Vånna Inget were nominated for a Grammy. Don’t know why a band this awesome would brag about that. Maybe Swedes still care about the Grammys, which is adorable. But Vånna Inget, a melodic/punk dark pop outfit from Småland, Sweden, is way too sick of a band to be caring about the arbitrary horse trading of the soon to be dead and buried recording industry. We here at Noisey like Vånna Inget so much that we would bestow upon them the much vaunted “Noisey.” V PRESTEGIOUS.
Formed in 2010, Vånna Inget share certain sensibilities with fellow Swedes, Masshysteri and Gorilla Angreb in that they combine minor chords, speed, and death rock guitar stylings with anthemic choruses for perfect sing-along-sadness effect. The strength and mournful catchiness of the song writing coupled with the addition of madchester organ, however, bring them to the next level. Suppose that’s where the Grammy nomination came in. Anyway, their new album, Ingen Botten (translated by our computer as “No Bottom”), reminds us from everything we love about guitar music; from the driving pop aggression of their aforementioned countrymen/women, to darker American melodrama like Concrete Blonde, (late era) Gun Club, and Hex Dispensers. There’s even some Go-Go’s, but we’re talking This Town and “committing infidelity with members of The Specials” Go-Go’s, not the nice ones about going to the beach. Vånna Inget aren’t “nice” and we’re pretty sure that they have never even seen a beach in daylight. Hey man, neither have we.
Tom van Laak